Marketing research paper
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 30
Morals - Essay Example the neighborhood network was that the organization needed to manage a significant hit to this notoriety given that it is the world’s biggest private boss with around 2011 deals of $421.85 billion (Brown and Mitchell 592). The embarrassment delayed the battle inside the organization that hollowed plugged promise to the most noteworthy good and moral gauges against its persevering quest for development. The organization lost clients because of the embarrassment and it is endeavoring to fire up development in its U.S. business (DePree and Jude 21). For example, it is fitting product to bunches of stores which can draw in comparable customers it had previously. At the company’s Sam’s Club division which saw its independent venture individuals progressively lashed, the organization brought down its costs on key things to draw in clients back (Brown and Mitchell 596). The organization is likewise buckling down abroad to build benefit and deals in business sectors like Brazil and China. The effect of this moral issue to other partner bunches like Fayetteville Ark who are the company’s administrators are relied upon to present the defense to improve the manner in which the organization works together abroad just as laying out new development openings at the world’s biggest retailer (Dharmendra and Haikm 1). The company’s partners have confronted expanded examination from speculators over how it has taken care of charges of pay off in its Mexican activities which surfaced like a year prior (Heinman 13). Lobbyist investors of the organization have been denied an opportunity to remove the board individuals like the relative of the organization who is the organizer and possesses around half of the company’s shares (Anja 1). Regardless of this, the reality remains that the developing dispute has indicated lost certainty mind the board. The company’s clients and partners no longer have the certainty they had for the organization before it was engaged with the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Obama’s Election and First 100 Days
The American legislative issues end up being dynamic and changing throughout the years. The progressions was seen immense as it were that voters no longer think about race and shading as a premise on choosing pioneers in the nation. Numerous individuals over the globe are even incredibly included of the most recent presidential political race since changes in popular sentiment are obvious. With regards to Obama’s political race and the first hundred days of his administration as President of the nation, we may dissect the American legislative issues as far as casting a ballot conduct, general assessment, races and ideological groups. Essentially, the appointment of Obama as the President can be credited to his craving to serve the nation. Being a network coordinator and extreme government official in Chicago, he had the option to build up a political clout that carried him to where he is presently. He is set up to confront the difficulties before he wandered into the most elevated official post in the nation. It is hard to examine the advancement of American legislative issues without understanding the conduct of competitors since it is a factor that influences winning the most pined for seat in American political initiative. On account of Obama, he convinced some powerful legislators that could underwrite him into the administration. At the end of the day, the assurance of Barack Obama to resist everything that would forestall him to win in the presidential decisions helped him legitimately held onto power from the past President. In this manner, inside two years up to his application, he ensured that he would not be included on dreadful and colossal policy driven issues to construct a name for the voters to pick during the decisions. In association, there are extra factors that prompted the triumph of Barack Obama in the Presidential decisions. These components incorporate democratic conduct, popular supposition, political decision apparatuses and ideological groups. As far as casting a ballot conduct, it is clear that voters are increasingly mindful of their privileges just as advantages contrasted with the past. When Barack Obama rendered his zapping discourse at the Democratic National Convention four years prior, voters and reporters expressed that Barack Obama would turn into the primary dark President of America (Liberty Lounge 1). This remark slung voters to look out for their new initiative possibility and choose to take side on him. The conduct of the democratic open is stuck on the chance of choosing a dark President since Barack Obama had the option to shield himself from political depreciators en route. Indeed, even small kids know about the prominence of Barack Obama which made their folks think about the chance of making him the following President of the nation. With that, youthful voters demonstrated an enormous distinction in the presidential races. Truth be told, youthful voters elected to sort out battle exercises for Obama and supported in raising assets for his political hardware. The endeavors of these youngsters contributed such a great amount for the appointment of the principal dark President. Numerous voters likewise gave remarks that the appointment of Obama is progressive, notable, and record breaking. Gone are the days when decisions for President are for white Americans as it were. The American voters are currently ready to endow their future to a dark chief in a nation wherein race and shading came about to bedlam and issues such a large number of years prior. This wonder is notable and progressive since its tremendous effect on the voters denoted the beginning of increasing more collaboration, opportunity and freedom. Then again, general feeling formed and shaped the path for Barack Obama to be chosen as President. The job of the news media on his prosperity is crucial since the voters couldn't have thought about democratic him notwithstanding the huge crusade through news media and different channels of open data. Truth be told, present day innovation amplified the nomination of Barack Obama. It is additionally unquestionable that Obama expertly used intuitive social innovation. Different methods for appointive battle for Obama incorporates utilizing web journals, click-to-give apparatuses, telephone unit, content detachment, entryway to-entryway crusades, and even online reports on the political race (Sarmiento 1). In addition, presidential and bad habit presidential discussions that are broadcast helped voters in picking their possibility for the decisions. Most importantly, the TV media, radio, and print media has carried out their responsibility well in keeping the electorate educated on the distinctions of the official contender for President in America. Subsequently, popular sentiment effortlessly formed the decision of the individuals for their pioneer. As for ideological groups corresponding to American legislative issues, it is worth to specify that there is a move from Republican to Democratic. Plainly residents and people in the United States these days were adjusted to Democratic Party standards regarding their political direction. In the year 2008, lion's share of the voters inclined to the Democratic Party (Sarmiento 1). The truth of the matter is that there were 29 states and the District of Columbia which are associated with expanded Democratic Party connection (Liberty Lounge 1). Barack Obama is related to the Democrats and was picked by most of the residents in the nation. In American legislative issues, the part of popular sentiment, ideological groups, discretionary crusades, and appointive conduct. In these previous scarcely any days inside the first hundred days time of the initiative of Obama, it is evident that these parts of American legislative issues are recognizable. We investigate the consequences of the appointive conduct and popular supposition after the races. Since Obama acquired monetary issues from the past President, he confronted enormous investigation from the general population on how he would carry on in spite of the issues. Numerous activists cautioned the new organization to shun exceeding to the individuals. It is apparent that inside the first hundred days of Obama as President, he began actualizing strategies so as to spare the economy which was addressed by certain individuals. He additionally started the fix of the messed up medicinal services framework, finishing two wars, fixing destitution and imbalance predicaments, and cleaning the recolored US notoriety on the planet. Despite the fact that the nearness of both Democratic Party and Republican Party inside the American political framework animated the political procedures, its absolutely impossible to forestall Obama in executing his approaches to improve the nation. As end, it is clear that Obama won the races as a result of his appealling air and capacity to render charging talks. This likewise incorporates the obvious readiness to acquire financial issues from the past organization and to enable the individuals to adapt up to the emergencies. The American political framework has additionally changed from being moderate to a progressively progressive one. Race and shading is not, at this point a boundary in accomplishing political force in the nation. Thus, Obama’s political decision and initial one hundred days might be colossally investigated, yet it denoted the beginning of increasingly progressive administration in consonance to the desire of taking care of monetary issues as an essential objective. Works Cited â€Å"Analysis: Organization, technique keys to Obama victory†. 5 November 2008. Freedom Lounge. 4 May 2009 < race investigation why-obama-won.html.>. Sarmiento, Rene. â€Å"10 Lessons Learned from the US Presidential Elections†. 19 January 2009. ABS-CBN News. 4 May 2009 < learned-us-presidential-races >.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Our Reading Lives Thomas Mann Appreciation Day
Our Reading Lives Thomas Mann Appreciation Day This is a guest post by Rachel Cordasco. Rachel has a Ph.D in literary studies (which means she’s read WAY TOO MANY books over the years) and has taught American literature and composition. She has also worked as an editorial assistant at the Wisconsin Historical Society Press. Keep up with her in the Facebook group for And the Moral of the Story Is…, on Twitter @Rcordas, and at _________________________ [OK, theres actually no such thing as Thomas Mann Appreciation Day, but there damn well should be, people. The following is the speech Id give at an event celebrating the immortal author]: As my friends and family know well, I am a bit obsessed with Thomas Mann. Ive read all of his major novels (that have been translated into English- I know, dont say it), all of his short stories, a book of his essays, and the most recent biography by Hermann Kurzke (Thomas Mann: Life as a Work of Art, A Biography; 2002). Ive even read the tetralogy, Joseph and His Brothers, all 1,492 pages of it. And I say to The Black Swan and Lotte in Weimar: youre next! I hear all you Comparative Lit people snorting with disdain, and I see you German Lit people raising angry eyebrows, but read on, and you might just forgive me. Of course, it started with a crush. Not on old Tommy, poor thing, but on a high-school teacher (lets call him Mr. P). He was my schools book club advisor, and therefore I had to join, just to be able to gawk at him outside of school hours. The last text we read for the semester was Manns novella, Death in Venice. Now, when I heard we were reading Mann, I at first sighed miserably because I had read Tonio Kruger a couple of years before and actually thought it sucked. But for you, Mr. P.? Anything! I read Death in Venice in a single night, and all thoughts of Mr. P. faded into the background as Thomas Mann stepped forward, my newly-anointed Favorite Author. Its still almost impossible to explain exactly what it is that I love about his books, novellas, and stories. I could identify with his often angst-ridden artist characters, since I too have imagined myself as a kind of Artist (you know, Im a Writer in that fantasyland of my mind. Its a nice place). Im forced to think deeply about the characters conversations in order to understand what they are really trying to communicate, and their inner lives are so nuanced and complicated, just like the rest of us mortals. Only later did I start to think about the issue of translation. I admit that Ive never read Mann in the original German. Ive always meant to study German, but French, Italian, and Russian just happened to come first. And it doesnt look like learning German will be an option in the near future (twin boys- yeah, I know!). However, I decided that getting my Mann second-hand was better than no Mann at all (here I want to give a shout-out to translator John E. Woods- thank you, man, for making it possible for me to read Thomas Mann even though Im lazy and didnt get my Rosetta Stone on). Finally, we are still talking about Mann in 2013. Earlier this month, on the 58th anniversary of his death, the New Republic reprinted a statement by its editors supporting Manns denunciation of Nazism The writers novels, essays, articles, and stories continue to remain relevant, even in a new century. So, if Dr. Who ever landed in my backyard and beckoned me into the TARDIS, Id happily enter and demand that he take me to 1950s Switzerland so I could listen to Mann talk aboutwell, anything really. Ill bet that his conversation was as mellifluous and as passionate as his texts. ____________________________ Sign up for our newsletter to have the best of Book Riot delivered straight to your inbox every two weeks. No spam. We promise. To keep up with Book Riot on a daily basis, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, , and subscribe to the Book Riot podcast in iTunes or via RSS. So much bookish goodnessall day, every day.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
What Is a placebo
A placebo is a procedure or substance with no inherent medicinal value. Placebos are often used in statistical experiments, especially those involving pharmaceutical testing, in order to control the experiment as much as possible. We will examine the structure of experiments and see the reasons for using a placebo. Experiments Experiments typically involve two different groups: an experimental group and a control group. The members of the control group do not receive the experimental treatment and the experimental group does. In this way, we are able to compare the responses of members in both groups. Any differences that we observe in the two groups may be due to the experimental treatment. But how can we be sure? How do we really know if an observed difference in a response variable is the result of an experimental treatment? These questions address the presence of lurking variables. These kinds of variables influence the response variable but are often hidden. When dealing with experiments involving human subjects we should always be on the lookout for lurking variables. A careful design of our experiment will limit the effects of lurking variables. Placebos are one way to do this. Use of Placebos Humans can be difficult to work with as subjects for an experiment. The knowledge that one is a subject of an experiment and a member of a control group can affect certain responses. The act of receiving a medication from a doctor or nurse has a powerful psychological effect on some individuals. When someone thinks they are being given something that will produce a certain response, sometimes they will exhibit this response. Because of this, sometimes doctors will prescribe placeboes with therapeutic intent, and they can be effective treatments for some issues. To mitigate any psychological effects of the subjects, a placebo can be given to the members of the control group. In this way, every subject of the experiment, in both the control and experimental groups, will have a similar experience of receiving what they think is medication from a health professional. This also has the added benefit of not revealing to the subject if he or she is in the experimental or control group. Types of Placebos A placebo is designed to be as close to the means of administration of the experimental treatment as possible. Thus placebos can take on a variety of forms. In the testing of a new pharmaceutical drug, a placebo might be a capsule with an inert substance. This substance would be chosen to have no medicinal value and is sometimes referred to as a sugar pill. It is important that the placebo mimic the experimental treatment as closely as possible. This controls the experiment by providing a common experience for everyone, no matter which group they are in. If a surgical procedure is the treatment for the experimental group, then a placebo for the members of the control group could take the form of a faked surgery. The subject would go through all of the preparation and believe that he or she was operated on, without the surgical procedure actually being performed.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Architecture of a Network Layout - 844 Words
1. A description of the fundamental configuration of the network Architecture. The architecture of a network layout shows a detailed view of resources and a across-the-board framework of all the resources accessible to the organization. The networks physical layout is influenced with security in mind. Things to be considered are, where the servers are to be placed, firewalls and other hardware components. This includes the types of devices, printers, routers and other peripherals, including table decisions and other hardware component parts useful communication. The access method topology you use determines how and where the physical wireless connections need to be placed as well as what protocols and software rules will be used to regulate the network architecture. Network architecture in most scenarios is developed and organized by a network administrator. A larger network would require coordination with network design engineer. A network architect needs many areas of experience to determine will the network be wired or wireless. Other areas to consider are, will the network be classified as a LAN, MAN or WAN. The best topology needs to be decided based on the equipment layout, such as star, loop, bus, mesh, etc; .The network architect needs to put direct rules for security, recognize and prevent potential problems, and document everything done. The first and most important item to be addressed is to set goals to work within a given budget while designing the mostShow MoreRelatedCis 462 Wk 10 Term Paper Disaster Recovery Plan1056 Words  | 5 Pagesoverview of the organization that will be delivered to senior management, defining the business goals and objectives and the size, layout, and structure of the organization. b. 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Mesh Topology Mesh topology is the first topology discussedRead MoreThe Vulnerability Of Network Infrastructure Vulnerabilities1436 Words  | 6 Pages Security services are an integral part of any network design. Assessing the vulnerability of network infrastructure to disruptive events is recognized as an important component of network planning and analysis. This section provides an overview of common network infrastructure vulnerabilities, essential network security concepts analysis and present. It illustrates the possible placement of servers including access paths to the Internet, intrusion detection systems (IDS), and firewalls. This paperRead MoreA Parallel Processing System1473 Words  | 6 Pagesprocessor has local memory and communicates with other processors through direct or indirect communication channels by sending messages. 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The most dominant application architecture called the client server architectures, share the work betweenRead MoreNetwork Design1165 Words  | 5 PagesRunning head:PROJECT #3 Unit #3 Individual Project - Network Design For Champions, Inc. Travis Lee Thompson ITCO103-1201A-05 American International University Table Of Contents Network Architecture/Model ........................................................................................ Page 3 Star Network Topology (before the donation) .............................................................. Page 5 Star Network Topology (after the donation) ..............................Read MoreWhy Do Communication Protocols Matter?1180 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction There are many protocols that should be taken into account for nodes to communicate effectively over a network. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ufc Business Strategy Free Essays
General Environment The fastest growing sports organization in the world, the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), started in 1993 as a professional mix martial arts (MMA) organization. Once the UFC brand was launched, MMA popularity surged in Brazil, followed by immense interest in Japan where these bouts became major events. The most recent fight in April, UFC sold 55,000 tickets in minutes, became the largest paid audience in North American to witness a mix martial arts event. We will write a custom essay sample on Ufc Business Strategy or any similar topic only for you Order Now They delivered top rating in male 18-34 and 18-49 demographics. Globally, UFC programming is broadcast in over 149 countries and territories, reaching a half a billion homes worldwide, in 20 different languages. Response to the UFC brand of MMA has been tremendous, resulting in a growing fan base that has grown exponentially through the years. So, UFC is very popular to the whole world. Porter’s Five Forces: Threat of New Entrants Threat of new entrants is low because everyone in the world is watching UFC. UFC is the only mixed martial arts industry in the world, but it is part of fighting sports industry. Power of Suppliers I would say that power of suppliers is high because the whole world is selling UFC’s stuffs. Suppliers are selling UFC apparels, shorts, DVDs, equipments and gears. Some of the suppliers including Affliction are selling UFC’s apparel. Others (Clear Vision) are selling DVD such as work-out or copies of UFC fights. UFC spends a lot on advertisement because they’re one of the most recognizable by the whole world. The Ultimate Fighting Championship has partnered with Fox for a seven-year broadcast deal through the Fox Sports subsidiary, effectively ending the UFC’s Spike TV and Versus (now NBC Sports Network) partnership. I believe fighters are one of the suppliers because they are paid per fight, with amounts depending on how well-known the fighters are and how well sponsored a fighter and an event is. Fighters will typically get paid money to fight with an additional bonus if they win. Power of Buyers Buyers’ power is really high because UFC is very popular to the world. The UFC brand completely restructured MMA into a highly organized and controlled compact sports. Now, UFC produces over twelve live Pay-Per-View events annually that are distributed residentially through North American cable and satellite providers including iNDEMAND Networks, DIRECTv, DISH Network, TVN Entertainment, Shaw Pay-Per-View, BellTv, Viewers Choice, SaskTel Max and via the Internet worldwide on UFC. com and Yahoo! , commercially through Joe Hand Promotions. It is very expensive because you have to order Pay-Per-View or DIRECTv to watch UFC. Substitute I don’t believe there is a substitute because UFC is wrestling, martial art mixed. UFC is a very unique sport, but it is part of fighting sports. So, I believe substitute is very low. There are wrestling, boxing, martial arts mixed, and other fighting sports. Competitor Analysis: Boxing Boxing is a martial art and combat sport in which two people engage in a contest of strength, reflexes, and endurance by throwing punches at an opponent with gloved hands. They can get two most popular, best and recognizable boxers to fight each other. They have so many passionate fans. They’ve partnered with HBO and SHOWTIME. They are focused on the best fighters from all over the world and give the best show for the world. Internal Industry: Strength UFC is one of the most popular sports, not in just United States, but in the whole world. They have surpassed the boxing on fans’ popularity. They are really high on suppliers’ and buyers’ power. They have sold out their tickets within minutes, not hours or days. Weakness It is not for younger kids to watch UFC because it is a bad image and bad influence for them. You don’t want to have bullies at schools. UFC are worrying about what the fighters say or do because Advocacy groups have criticized the fighters’ comments as sexist and homophobic. The incidents cited by National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence include an undated video linked on unfitforchildren. org, in which UFC fighter Quinton â€Å"Rampage†Jackson urges a Japanese-speaking fan to say nasty words. Also, people are complained about their advertisement because they showed a half nude woman in one of their commercial with Bud Light Lime. Recommendation How to cite Ufc Business Strategy, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Lectures Notes about the Reflective Report of L Oreal Company
Question: Describe about the Reflective Report of L Oreal Company? Answer: Introduction This reflective report is of LOreal Company. The aim of this research is to analyze the mission and objective of LOreal. This reflective report also consist of the finding which LOreal enact by leadership, organizational culture and different other strategies. I have explained briefly about LOreal history, sector of their work, structure which they are using for working and their history. For explaining about LOreal I have used information from LOreal annual report, companys website, and online brochures. The reflective report of LOreal consist of the analysis of their sustainability in relation to environment, society and the economics of company as well as nation. About the company The LOreal group is famous worldwide for their cosmetic and beauty products. The main focus sectors of LOreal are hair color and care, skin care, sun protection, make up, perfumes. The research and principle of the company is on beauty care of different age group for male and female both (, 2015). LOreal has its research and development centres six worldwide which perform the research, innovation and development of different products. Approximately 28 international brands are attached with LOreal group. LOreal products are distributes in 130 countries worldwide. LOreal group is having their research and development section which is responsible for doing research regarding their products. LOreal have products available in market for every age group customers. The products of LOreal group are ethical and are made without harming environment. LOreal is a having a portfolio of international brands which are unique and famous worldwide. The brands which come under LOreal group are:- The Body Shop Essie Garnier Matrix Kerastase Mizani LOreal Paris Maybelline New York LOreal Professional Lancme Paris Biotherm Kiehls Giorgio Armani Redken Ralph Lauren Diesel and etc. Figure1: Target Group OF LOreal LOreal target group for their products are consumers products, professional products, luxury products. The targeted sectors or people for every group are different. Under consumer products come teenagers and women, professional products consumers are hair salons or the hair specialist shops (Charlier, Dejean Donnay, 2001). LOreal before developing any product do research and analyze the market requirement. LOreal develops their every product considering everyone. LOreal group before making changes in their old product do market research and then according to the market and there consumers requirement make changes. The mission of LOreal is as:- Mission- LOreal mission explanation as LOreal defines beauty as universal i.e. the researcher of LOreal consider everyone while creating any group (Costello, 2011). The products in development section of LOreal are created taking in consideration all the people of different age group and different professions. LOreal consider beauty as a language offered by the company to all women and men worldwide for the best products which they love using (Edwards, 2005). Beauty is explained as a science by LOreal which helps there product consumers to maintain their skin, hair (Egbeleke, 2014). By developing products as per the market and consumers requirement LOreal try to make innovation or changes in its product. The changes or any new product is created by the development team of the group taking into consideration the changes in consumers demand (Flouris Kucuk Yilmaz, 2011). LOreal also explains beauty as a commitment on the basic of diversity, richness and the complementarities of their brand portfolio (Fowler, 2014). Commitment means that the LOreal group is giving the best quality product to their consumers so that the always get positive result after using. The commitment of delivering best product to their consumer is more important rather than increasing their profit share. Findings and sustainability model of company The main policy on which LOreal group work is to provide their consumers best quality products without harming the nature and environment (Hast, 2007). The organizational culture is also responsible for sustainability development of LOreal. The products delivered by the company are worldwide, so the objective of developing any product should be done by taking into consideration the market and customers requirement (Yigitcanlar Dur, 2010). The sustainability of LOreal means the ability of the company required for achieving their present needs without sacrificing their future needs (Hayhow, 2011). The ability of LOreal Group for achieving their present needs which they decided without ignoring their future needs. Different sustainability model used by LOreal are:- 3-legged stool model 3-overlapping circle model 3-nested dependencies model 3 legged stool model- Stool has three legs and all three legs explain different factors which are important for a company to operate properly. This model explains the three main factors of the company i.e. Economic- The first leg of the model is used by LOreal to explain the economic condition of the nation in which company is situated. By the help of economy we explains the condition of jobs i.e. good or bad, fair wages to be given by company to their employees, security, infrastructure and the policy related to fair trade (Jacques Kepos, 2010).Operation of LOreal affect economy of the nation in positive and negative manner. If company is having profit then the nation economy will be positively affected but if company faces loss economy of nation will be negatively affected. Environmental- The company should operate without affecting the environment. LOreal group has to work according to the law of governments regarding environment and their operation. Environment factor is used to define the pollution done by the company while operation, waste, renewable energy and the conservation energy used by LOreal for production (Keitumetse, 2013). LOreal should always try to work as per the rules and regulation. The environment should never be disturbed or harmed by their production cycle. Social Social factor is defined by the third leg of the stool which explains working condition of the company, health services provided by company to their employees, education service or training service provided by company (Klein, 2010). The culture, community and the social factor of the company is also explained in this factor. Social factor consist of the society in which LOreal is working ie the surrounding people and the workforce. Figure 2: 3 legged sustainability model of LOreal 3 overlapping circle model- The overlapping circle model of LOreal is used to explain the sustainability of the company with intersection of economy, society and environment. Depending on company profit share among all these 3 factors the model is resized (Yigitcanlar Dur, 2010). Among economy, society and environment whose involvement in profit of the company is more will be shown with large circle. Companys economy exists independently and it is never mixed by society and environment of the company. But the needs of company can only be attained or fulfilled by considering all three factors together so that the future needs are not affected. This model of sustainability is used by LOreal to identify the level of sustainability in comparison of economy, society and environment. Figure 3: 3 Overlapping Circle Model of LOreal 3 Nested Dependencies Model- This model of sustainability is used to show the dependency of economy, society and environment on each other and on company. The society which LOreal discusses in this model is surrounding, people and the employees of the company (Willard, 2009). Society is depending on environment for goods and the services provided by them and likewise economy is related to society. Economy of the company is completely dependent on their society i.e. the employees and consumers. Figure4: 3 Nested Dependencies Model OF LOreal Company uses different model of sustainability to know there dependencies and relation among environment, society and economy (Sarcina, Consoli, Tomassini Cavicchiolo, 2011). Sustainability study is done to know the ability of the company for fulfilling their present needs by considering their future needs also. Sustainability model is useful in LOreal to determine the target and forecast the future target regarding sales, profit and etc. Analysis The sustainability by LOreal is explained as the ability of company for achieving their present needs by considering their future needs also. The sustainability requirement by LOreal can only be fulfilled with help of good leader. Leaders help their sub ordinates to work better for achieving their goals and objectives (, 2015). Companys goals can only be achieved when every employee perform well and work in a group or team for a common goal. There are various groups present in LOreal who work for common goal but the decided target can only be achieved by group when leaders motivate them for working (, 2015). To define sustainability growth LOreal uses different model which describes their growth in relation to economy, society and environment in which they are working. Conclusion This reflective report is done on LOreal. LOreal is one of the best known worldwide brand for their beauty products (Sanford, 2011). The report is also having analysis of sustainability of LOreal and sustainability model used by the company in relation to economy, environment and society. The factors which affect the sustainability of the company are also discussed here. LOreal mission in relation to their sustainability is explained. There is a brief discussion on history of the company and there different brands which are present in worldwide market. References,. (2015). Behance. 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